
GTA Chinatown Wars

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O hře - Checklist M. Biarinec | 31.03.2009

58 hlavních příběhových misí - 41%
8 Náhodných postav s 14  misemi- 9.56%
16 Odd Jobs - 4.37%
35 Výtržností - 9.5%
34 Závodů - 9.28%
100 Bezpečnostních kamer - 6.83%
30 Unikátních skoků - 4.1%
80 Drug Dealers - 5.46%
21 Safe housů - 4.3%
8 Odměn za Deal - 5.46%
2 Sochy lva - .14%

Odd Jobs - odměna

Vigilante - dvojitá vesta
Paramedic - neomezený sprint
Taxi - neprůstřelné taxi

V Algonquinu:

Fire Fighter (only at fire station in Northwood) - flame retard
East Side Escapade - cityscape vehicle
Patriot Park TT - cityscape
Liberty State Delivery - carry 100 drugs
Transfender Invitational - formula R and 500 XLR8
HoboTron - percentage
Wetscapade TT - cityscape
Midtown Mayhem - cityscape
Noddle Run - regenerating health
Loose Change - cityscape

V Bohanu /Dukes/Brokeru:

Boulevard TT - cityscape
Alpha Mail Delivery - carry 100 drugs
Bohan Snake - cityscape
S&M Grand Slam - forumula R and style SR
Warehouse Raid - the drugs you steal
Graveyard Groove - cityscape
Dukes Dust Up TT - cityscape
Tattoo Parlor - money
Noodle Run - regenerating health
Hi-Way Tire Tourney - formula R and MK GT9
Liberty City Gun Club - ammunation discount
Fast Tracks - percentage
Monument Mania - cityscape
Go-Kar-TT - go-kart
Beach Blitz - cityscape

Dealing trofeje:
Jeweled Bong - deal herbs
Diamond Pill Box - deal pills
Platinum Syringe - deal powders
Silver Safebox - make $2,000
Wooden Spoon - lose $500 in one deal
Golden Binoculars - find 40 dealers
Titanium Briefcase - find all 80 dealers
Jeweled Key to the City - obtain all safehouses


Yu Jian
Pursuit Farce
Under The Gun
Pay back
The Wheelman
Tricks of the Triad
Natural Burn Killer
Carpe Dime
Recruitment Drive
Kenny Strikes Back
Store Wars
Copter Carnage
Missed The Boat
Rat Race
The Tow Job
Weapons of Mass Distraction
The Tail Bagging the Dogs
Street of Rage
Torpedo Run
Evidence Dash
Operation Northwood
Salt in the Wound
Pimp His Ride
Whacks the Racers
Raw Deal
Counterfeit Gangster
Slaying with Fire
Clear the Pier
Jackin Chan
Trail Blazer
The Offshore Offload
By Myriads of Swords
One Shot One Kill
Stealing the Show
Bomb Disposal
Driven to Distruction
Dragon Haul Z
The Fandom Menace
So Near Yet Sonar
Cash & Burn
Hit From the Tong
Double Trouble
Faster Pusher Man Sell
See No Evil
Convoy Conflict
Shadow of Doubt
Friend or Foe
Arms Out of Harms Way
The Wages of Hsin
Grave Situation
Steal the Wheels
Rude Awakening
The Worlds a Stooge
Deadly Xin
Xin of the Father

Náhodné postavy

Wilhelm 2
Wilhelm 3
Selma 1   
Selma 2
Giorgio 1
Giorgio 2
Tommy 1
Tommy 2   
Marcy 1
Marcy 2   





Grand Theft Auto 6 se nám po sakra dlouhém čekání již oficiálně ukázalo. Dočkáme se ale odložení, nebo to tentokrát nenastane? Možná, že už není čím hráče překvapit, možná ale bude GTA 6 zas pořádný gamechanger. Těšíte se také? :)




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