
GTA Vice City (english version)

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Illegal Races Article Veronika Kailová | 07.06.2013 22:36

There are illegal races in Vice City Town. Join them and read more about them in this article. Thanks to and Alix.


Asset - Umberto Robina Article Veronika Kailová | 03.06.2013 22:29

Hello everyone, we translated and proof-read another article. It is Umberto Robina asset mission. You can read it here. Special thank goes to Borecmatej and Alix.


Vice City - Game Story Veronika Kailová | 30.05.2013 22:20

Hello everyone, 

the article game story of Vice City is translated and proof-readed. You can read it here. Thanks to Akai and Alix.

Dexterity Missions Article Veronika Kailová | 27.05.2013 22:33

There is another translated article. We finished a Dexterity Missions article. Do you know, where all places for dexterity missions are? You can read more about them here. Thanks to Akai and Alix. 


Vice City Update Veronika Kailová | 12.05.2013 22:08

Hello everybody,

we translated Assets guides from Czech to English. You can look at them and let us know how you like them. Special thanks goes to translators Viktor Karlíček, Victor Vlasák, amazoneSK, Martin Kapal and last but not least Sebo. Next update with translations will come soon.


Payphone mission
 Paul Kent and Love Fist group
 Big Mitch Baker
 Cherry Popper Icecram
 Pole Position Strip Club
 Print Works
 Kaufman Cabs
  Malibu Club
  Film Studio  

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screenshot of day

Screenshot dne
Flying bike - Filip Žazo


Hello fans,

we have been looking for volunteers!

If you want to help us with proofreading of our translations (articles, updates and other texts), we will be glad to invite you into our team.

If you are an English native speaker with free time and you are willing to help us, please send us an e-mail.

chief editor



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