Dexterity Missions Michal Deus | translated by: Akai & Alix | 26.05.2013
Dexterity missions, just another thing to do to have the game 100% completed. There are four and here’s a map of them.

1. PCJ Playground (purple on map)
Here you have to collect all the checkpoints in the alotted time using the PCJ-600 bike. It’s quite hard and there are also some on roofs, so lot of jumping is required.
Reward: 100 USD
2. Trial by dirt (red on map)
In this mission, you have to ride through two rounds on the Uzi track with the Sanchez bike. There’s no time limit on this mission.
Reward: 100 USD
3. Test Track (orange on map)
There’s a Rancher jeep right next to the bike. Ride through the same track, but in the opposite direction.
Reward: 100 USD
4. Cone crazy (blue on map)
Probably the hardest one - There’s a Stallion prepared in the garage. Your task is to collect all the checkpoints, with only 12 seconds for each. Easy? Not really, there are cones and you can’t hit any of them.
Reward: 100 USD