Girlfriends Vladimír Výbožťok | translated by: Kajlin & Alix | 29.10.2007
Next new item in GTA San Andreas is interactive girlfriends - a necessity for the right gangster!
There are six girls in the game that you can pick up. Each of them has her own wants, which her boyfriend should have. If the girl is possible to pick up, you'll notice a blue arrow above her. That is enough to go up to her and you'll either get her telephone number or you'll hear that you aren't right for her. Your girlfriend's house is marked on the map by the heart.

B) Dates
As soon as the girl is picked up, you can, of course, take her on a date. Just pick her up from her house and choose the right place to go. She usually tells you where she'd like to go. The game will even help you, because it will show you what parts of town she likes, that you can go to. If the date was a success, you'll know by her behavior. Then you can give her a lift home and when you are further into your relationship with her, she can invite you for a coffee.

C) Gifts
You can choose from several gifts, that can make your girlfriend happy. You can choose among flowers, dildos or vibrators. When you choose the gift, use it like a gun, go up to your girlfriend and press TAB. As soon as your girlfriend gets the present, you can kiss her, so be prepared to press TAB so that you don't miss the occasion :-) The rating of your date is increased by the present.

And finally the list of beauties
1. Denise Robinson
Denise is the first girl you will meet in the game. You'll get to know her in the Burning Desire mission, when you save her from the burning house that you actually set on fire. She doesn't have any requirements about your looks, and she doesn't care where you take her, just avoid the Burger. And when you go by the members of enemy gangs, she shoots at them :-)
She's at home from 4pm to 6am
You won't get anything from her in the beginning
After reaching 50%, you'll get her car keys
After reaching 100%, you'll get a pimp suit
She'll invite you home after getting 40-50%
2. Helena Wankstein
HYou can find Helen at the Ammu-Nation in Blueberry. She is on the roof and shoots into targets. She likes muscular men, who are slim. She likes eating in restaurants and doesn't like fancy gear.
She's at home from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 2am
You'll get a flame thrower and Molotov Cocktail, a chainsaw, a gun and a Bandito at the beginning - all can be found in her garage.
After reaching 50%, you'll get Bandito keys (but you can use it from the beginning)
After reaching100%, you'll get a rural clothes by her.
She'll invite you home after getting 70%
3. Michelle Cannes
You'll meet Michelle at the driving school of San Fierro She loves fat muscular men. She admires fancy gear and likes going to bars. And there is even a special date, during which she drives and you just watch the game.
She's at home from midnight to noon
You'll get opportunity to use her garage, which is also a Pay`n Spray, at the beginning.
After reaching 50%, you'll get Monster Truck keys.
After reaching 100%, you'll get a racing suit
She'll invite you home after getting 40%
4. Katie Zhan

You can find Katie at the golf club in San Fierro in front of the gym. She likes really muscular men. She enjoys fancy gear and walks through China town. She likes going for dinner.
She's at home from noon to midnight
Thanks to her you don't pay anything when your visit a hospital at the beginning, and you won't even lose guns.
After reaching 50% you'll get hearse keys
After reaching 100% you'll a medic uniform
She'll invite you home after getting 50%

You'll find her at the police park in El Quebrados. She likes fat men and doesn't like fast driving, but enjoys going out for dinner.
She's at home from 4pm to 6am
You won't loose money when you are caught at the beginning.
After reaching 50% you'll get police jeep keys
After reaching 100% you'll get a police uniform
She'll invite you home after getting 60%
6. Millie Perkins
Millie is a part of the story. You'll meet her in the Key to Her Heart mission and she'll become your girlfriend after it. She likes going to restaurants or bars.
She's home from noon to 10pm
You'll get a gimp suit at the beginning (the suit from the Key to Her Heart mission)
After reaching 35% you'll get key card from the Caligula's casino
After reaching 50% you'll get keys from her pink Club.
After reaching 100% you won't get anything
She'll invite you home always when you are wearing in the gimp suit