Main Characters Michal Deus | translated by: Kajlin & Alix | 19.08.2007
As in every quality game also in the Grand Theft Auto series, there are main characters, who follows throughout the whole story. San Andreas isn't, of course, any exception. Therefore, we bring you a description of the main characters who you'll meet in the game or you will hear spoken of. Beware of spoilers!
1. Carl Johnson "CJ"

Dubbing: Young Maylay
The first one is, of course, our main character - Carl Johnson, also known as CJ. He came back home after 5 years in Liberty City, so that he can find out who killed his mother. But he is caught by his police "friends" just after his arrival. With these guys, he had some problems in the past. And now doesn't look different. When he finally gets home, he meets with his sister, Kendl, brother, Sweet, and friends Big Smoke and Ryder. He will start to help his old gang, Grove Street Families, which was founded by him and his brother. It might be the memory of his dead brother that gives him power to help his disintegrating gang. But to be honest, at the beginning he doesn't want anything to do with it, gang skirmishes were one of the reasons why he left in the first place. But he finds new and old friends in time and also new spots in the San Andreas area which offer many possibilities.
2. Sean Johnson "Sweet"

Dubbing: Faizon Love
Sweet is your older brother and also, probably, the Grove Street Families gang's leader. He can't forgive CJ for running away to Liberty City and for leaving the family. He also can't forget about the tragic accident that killed their youngest brother, and he blames CJ for it. Another thing he can't get over is his sister's going out with Cesar - the leader of the Variors Los Aztecas gang. In spite of these negative characteristics, he is very loyal and proud of his gang. And he always protects its interests, sometimes to the point of obsession.
3. Brian Johnson
Brain was CJ's younger brother who died a few years ago in a car accident. You won't see him in the game. But his name is often spoken in the game. The family often speaks about him, which might remind CJ what a hazard life is with gangster shootouts.
4. Kendall Johnson "Kendl"
Sweet is your older brother and also, probably, the Grove Street Families gang's leader. He can't forgive CJ for running away to Liberty City and for leaving the family. He also can't forget about the tragic accident that killed their youngest brother, and he blames CJ for it. Another thing he can't get over is his sister's going out with Cesar - the leader of the Variors Los Aztecas gang. In spite of these negative characteristics, he is very loyal and proud of his gang. And he always protects its interests, sometimes to the point of obsession.
3. Brian Johnson
Brain was CJ's younger brother who died a few years ago in a car accident. You won't see him in the game. But his name is often spoken in the game. The family often speaks about him, which might remind CJ what a hazard life is with gangster shootouts.
4. Kendall Johnson "Kendl"

Dubbing: Yo Yo
Your sister, Kendl, who has had to take care of the family since your mother's death. Because of this she tries to keep CJ and Sweet away from dangerous situations, but she isn't always successful. Her boyfriend is Cesar Vialpando, who leads a rival gang. Because of this she often has arguments with her brother, Sweet.
5. Beverly Johnson
Your sister, Kendl, who has had to take care of the family since your mother's death. Because of this she tries to keep CJ and Sweet away from dangerous situations, but she isn't always successful. Her boyfriend is Cesar Vialpando, who leads a rival gang. Because of this she often has arguments with her brother, Sweet.
5. Beverly Johnson

Your mother, who was killed recently, is the main reason for CJ's return to Las Santos. The only picture, that reminds you of her, is up in your house in Grove Street.
6. Lance Wilson "Ryder"

Dubbing: MC Eiht
Ryder is one of the main members of Grove Street Families gang. He is CJ's old friend and you can often see him with a rolled cigarette, usually hand-rolled by himself. He says drugs give him intelligence and he is a genius, but everybody knows it's the drugs talking. You'll find out later that he is mixed up with the Balas gang and T-Bonn Mendez and that he probably betrayed the Grove Families, so you have to get rid of him.
7. Melvin Harris "Big Smoke"
Ryder is one of the main members of Grove Street Families gang. He is CJ's old friend and you can often see him with a rolled cigarette, usually hand-rolled by himself. He says drugs give him intelligence and he is a genius, but everybody knows it's the drugs talking. You'll find out later that he is mixed up with the Balas gang and T-Bonn Mendez and that he probably betrayed the Grove Families, so you have to get rid of him.
7. Melvin Harris "Big Smoke"

Dubbing: Clifton Powell
Big Smoke is another member and potential leader of the Grove Street Families. He is often a laughing stock for being overweight and his appetite for fast food. But he doesn't care about it and lives how he wants. However he is also mixed up in dirty deals with the Ballas gang and he also has to die.
8. Cesar Vialpando

Dubbing: Clifton Collins
Cesar is a boss of Variors Los Aztecas Gang, but also your sister Kendl's boyfriend. However he is also your childhood friend, so you have lots of things to chat about. You'll recognize him due to his unique manner, funny voice, and his tattoos. He likes all fast cars, especially with NOS, what you can try on your own in a mission, and also lowriders.
9. Frank Tempenny

Dubbing: Samuel L. Jackson
Lieutenant Tempenny is one of policemen who catches you in the introduction and drives you into the enemy area. CJ's had problems with him before now and he does again. He is easily corruptible and CJ will carry out some missions for him. In about the middle of the game, they will help CJ and take him away to the country, so that he works for them. You will kill him at the end of the game in the high-speed car chase.
10. Eddie Pulaski

Dubbing: Chris Penn
He's another corrupted policeman working with Tempenny. He would like nothing better than to kill you, but Tempenny always calms him down. But in the High Noon mission, you'll get rid of him, by a few well-aimed shots, once and for all.
11. Jimmy Hernandez

Dubbing: Armando Riesco
Officer Hernandez is the last of not very good but fair policemen. He is very quiet and doesn't speak too much. His colleague, Tempeny, will kill him in the High Noon mission.
12. Wu Zi Mu "Woozie"

Dubbing: James Yaegashi
This Asian is a perfectly respectable person in society. He belongs to with the richest people in San Andreas and he owns several casinos and Triads Gang. He likes sports cars, during a race he meets CJ. After some time, they become friends and business partners. He wears glasses, because he is blind, and despite his handicap, he will be racing, shooting and doing other normal things with you. Despite his handicap, he is respected and valued in an incredible way.
13. Ran Fa Li

Dubbing: Hunter Platin
He is Wu Zi Mu's business partner. You'll meet him in missions, when he visits San Fierro and at the end you'll help him get away in one piece, because some killers wait for him at every corner. Also, this person has a handicap, because he's a mute. He can only make sounds, but fortunately his translator is with him.
14. Su Xi Mu "Suzie"

Dubbing: Richard Chang
This guy is the right arm of Wu Zi Mu and Ran Fa Li, who helps them in their business matters in San Fierro. You can meet him in missions with Ran Fa Li, as his translator.
15. Mike Toreno

Dubbing: James Woods
Mike Toreno is a spy working for the government. You'll carry out different missions for him, and you'll notice his manners are quite interesting. You'll want to get rid of him several times, but it will fall through. But at the end he'll turn out to be your friend and help your brother to get out of prison, where he'll end up during the game.
16. T - Bone Mendez

Dubbing: Kid Frost
T-Bone Mendez is a Mexican guy who should have been locked up for murdering two people, but he managed to get away. Now he works with Mike Torenn (in a mission, you'll work together to rescue him), Jizzy and, unfortunately, also with Ryder and Big Smoke. He wants to be a member of San Fierro Rifa gang, but it will never happen, because you'll kill him.
17. Jizzy B

Dubbing: Charlie Murphy
Jizzy is the owner of the porn shop in northeast San Fierro and you'll make some deals with him (a symbol of a blue skull). He is egotistical and rude, but, like everybody who hasn't been CJ's cup of tea, he will die in a high-speed car chase.
18. Catalina

Dubbing: Cynthia Farrell
Catalina is Cesar's cousin and, around the middle of the game, you'll burgle different places with her, but something always happens. You'll fall in love with her during the game, but then she'll leave with the main character from GTA 3. Now a small trip into the history, this is the Catalina who shoots you in your head in the intro of GTA 3 during the bank heist. Still don't know who she is? Well, she is also the boss of a Columbian cartel in GTA 3. In the last mission you have to bring 500 000 dollars to her villa (marked by a big C) and at the end of the game you'll shoot her down near the bay by a chopper. If you still don't know what the going on, play GTA 3 again.
19. Claude Speed

Claude Speed is the main character in GTA 3 and you'll race with him in San Andreas, after you lose, he and Catalina will leave for Liberty City and you'll get the keys from the garage in San Fierro. At the end of GTA 3, Catalina will betray him during the bank robbery and he'll find another girlfriend, Maria, who used to be Salvatore Leone's girlfriend. And he didn't say a word - such as in GTA3.
20. Salvator Leone

Dubbing: Frank Vincent
Salvatore Leone is a Mafioso from GTA 3, for whom you used to work and it will be the same in San Andreas. He'll visit the Caligula's Casino, where you'll make some deals for him. And you can remember that you'll later kill him after the first mission for Azuka in GTA 3 near The Luigi's Hotel.
21. Maria Latore

Dubbing: Debi Mazar
Maria is Salvatore's girlfriend, who dated him in San Andreas. You'll do something for her in GTA 3 and you'll also save her from one party in Liberty City, where the police went. She'll help you to find a booby trap set by Salvatore, she'll meet you with Azuka, and at the end of the game, you'll save her from the clutches of Catalina and you'll marry her. How well the story fits together!
22. Ken Rosenberg

Dubbing: Bill Fichtner
An old friend, Ken Rosenberg, who used to help Tommy Vercett in Vice City, is also in San Andreas. He lives in the Caligula's Casino in Las Venturas and you'll work for him too, until Don Leone and the mafia takes over the place. He still behaves like such a coward, who is afraid of everything.
23. Kent Paul

Dubbing: Danny Dyer
Another famous person from Vice City is here! In Vice City, he used to gawk at the Malibu club and girls within and now he's attracted to music and casinos. He isn't very important in the game but you can see him in a few intros and in one mission where you'll drive for him.
24. Maccer

Dubbing: Shaun Ryder
Maccer is a British rapper from Manchester, where he used to spend his time. But then he met Kent Paul and they left together for San Andreas. He is completely crazy about Madd Dog's music and he tends to play with his penis :-) In the game we can see him only in in-game animation and in one mission you are supposed to drive for him.
25. Madd Dog

Dubbing: Ice T
Madd Dog is a Los Santos rap star who is well-known. Almost everyone is crazy about his music. During one mission for OG LOC you'll have to steal some original sheet music from his huge villa. You'll meet him in Las Venturas, wher he want to kill himself. because nobody listen to his music. You and Woozie's guys will liberate his villa in the end and you'll become friends.
26. Jeffery Wilson "OG LOC"

Dubbing: Jonathan Anderson
Jeffery dreams about being the best rapper around and you are supposed to help him. You'll carry out different missions for him, for instance an auto theft involving illegal copies of Madd Dog's music. At the end of the game he'll turn into an arrogant jerk and get what he deserves.
27. Old Reece

Dubbing: Bill Cobs
Old Reece is your "personal" hairdresser, an old friend and also your mother's friend in Los Santos. His salon is opposite the Clunking Bell restaurant near Grove Street.
28. Barry Thorne "Big Bear"

Dubbing: Big Boy
Barry is one of the long-standing members of Grove Street families gang and he's still loyal to them. He's a really thin oldster and you can meet him in a few missions in Los Santos.
29. Emmet

Dubbing: Eugene Jeter
Emmet is a Los Santos gunfighter and weapon dealer for the Grove Street Families. In one of the beginning missions he'll teach you to shoot and then you can have a free gun from him.
30. Marc Wayne "B-Dup"

Dubbing: Jayceon Taylor
B-Dup is a member of the Grove Street Gang, but after CJ's departure, he started to do stuff with the Ballas Gang and is up to the ears in drugs. CJ wants to help him, but he doesn't care about getting clean. He has got Big Bear as his bodyguard. You'll meet him in about two missions.
31. The Truth

Dubbing: Peter Fonda
Truth is a Dutch hippie, for whom you'll carry out missions in the countryside, like stealing a harvester and all that. You'll help him burn a marijuana field and then you'll drive off together to San Fierro, where you'll set up a car repair service. He'll help you find mechanics and other business partners. Now and then he looks quite laughable, especially during his meditations.
32. Jethro

Dubbing: John Zurhellen
Jethro is one of the car mechanics and Truth's friend. He'll be working for you in the car repair shop and he'll say to you, that you can get a driving license in San Fierro. He used to work at a petrol station by the port, but you offered him more money so he joined you without hesitation.
33. Dwaine

Dubbing: Navid Khonsari
Dwaine is the second mechanic and also Truth's friend. He'll be working in your garage, but you must contact him first and persuade him to hook his kiosk with Hot Dogs.
34. Zero

Dubbing: David Cross
Zero will help you in the garage too. He is a specialist in computers and can sort out everything. On the top of that he can invent a machine for robbing The Caligula's Casino in Las Venturas. You'll buy his shop with remote controlled toys in the game and you'll work for him for a while.
35. Jonny Sindacco

Dubbing: Casey Siemaszko
This young man will be shown in one mission for Woozie. He wouldn't want to fall from rhe cabriolet and you will have to get rid of him in very fast drive. However, he is a member of the mafia in Las Venturas which controls some casinos and they are a competitors for Woozie.