Meal AnhHai | translated by: Kajlin & Alix | 02.11.2006
A) About meal
B) Fats vs. healthy food
After finishing food, fat starts to accumulate in CJ's body and he starts get fatter. Therefore, exercising is a must. You can go to a gym or go jogging. You just grab a dumbbell in the gym and, after a while, fat starts to change into muscle.
C) Restaurants
Health is increased in fast food places. 3 kinds of junk food can be found- Cluckin Bell, Burger Shot and Well Stacked Pizza. Each restaurant has a different offer of food. But the amount of fat and health that you get from eating, depends on the amount of food; small helpings gives you: 1% of fat, medium: 2%, and large: 3%. Salads don't give you any fat.
1. Cluckin Bell
Cluckin' Little Meal 2 $ 1%
Cluckin' Big Meal 5 $ 2%
Cluckin' Huge Meal 10 $ 3%
Meal Price Fats+
Moo Kid's Meal 2 $ 1%
Beef Tower 6 $ 2%
Meat Stack 12 $ 3%
Buster 2 $ 1%
Double D-Luxe 5 $ 2%
Full Rack 10 $ 3%
Salad meal 5 $ 0%
Other than eating in a restaurant, you can get other kinds of food.
When you are injured, you can go to this stand and buy a Hot Dog.
Like the drink machines, you can increase your health. For 1 dollar it is possible to get 20% of health. You can find it them on all the streets or in each village.
5. The other stands