Hints and Tips Editor's Office | translated by: Kajlin & Alix | 11.01.2008
This is only a small portion of the hints and tips for GTA: San Andreas from our Cheats v 59 of Scorpion’s WinCheater book. Thank authors!
50. Correction to tip number 11 (Indestructible vehicle) by Michal Pitonak
You must get in and out of the given car, before you switch off (the second insert) the JCNRUAD cheat. Nitro isn’t essential!!!
49. Bunch of tips by Bronislav Vacula:
A - It is better to use a slower car that turns better for off-road races. For instance: Taxi.It is better to use faster car with a worse turn-radius for city races, for instance: infernus, zr350…
B - You can get to the airport without a police license with no trouble. Steal a car and then go up to the airport gate, park the car right by the fence (it must be really close to it). Then jump onto the car and climb over fence, then go to the gate, it will open, get into your car and now you can go in with your car.
C - You can complete motorbike school on the third island. You must go and jump on the platform and then drive on your back tire (pop a wheelie). But there is a small bug. It is enough for you to just get on a part of the platform and then just pick your motorbike up. It is counted like you jumped.
- when you carry out a mission with police car, the armor will increase by150%
- as soon as you carry out the fireman mission, you’ll be fireproof
- when you carry out missions with an ambulance, your health will increase.
48. Tip for the Cop Wheels mission
When cops drive off in the Cop Wheels mission, start to shoot AT THEM, they’ll get out the motorbike and you can take it. Sent by: D.J447. Defense of the territory
When your area has been attacked by Ballas or Los Vagos gangs, go save your game quickly, and the area is back to the way it was before the fight! Sent by: Jakub Smekal46. How to get to the next towns without the stars
When you want to get into the 2nd city and don’t have any stars, you must do following:Steal the only plane at the airport of the 1st city (tips how to get at the airport is enough), then go to the Mount Chiliad. You’ll be probably shot at so open a parachute (you’ll have to have it, of course). Get to the Mount Chiliad by some fast motorbike, the best is nrg 500, but pci 600 is also enough, go against a tilting ramp on a wooden ramp on the top. Jump with your motorbike from the ramp and still hold the gas. You’ll died by the hit and appear in San Fierro hospital without stars!
P.S. On your way to Mount Chiliad, cops can attack you, so look out!
P.P.S. It might be possible another way, or it might work in the 3rd town, but I didn’t try it. Let me know, if you managed to do something similar. My e-mail is michal.habel@seznam.cz
45. How to play GTA SA without DVD
Do you want to play San Andreas on PC, but you don’t have the DVD? SIMPLE!!!Copy the file “gta_sa.exe,” by which you can start the game, into all game folders (models, data, text, movies, etc.) When you start the game, you don’t need the DVD in the drive. Can you believe it? Believe it! Sent by: Hopsin
44. Next matrix
Hey! I’ve found another matrix. It’s placed in the Market quarter. It is in the old building, where are two entry doors. Enter one of them and pick up a jetpack and fly up. Then you’re in the matrix. When you want to leave, just fly down. Sent by: Sabo :-)43. Tip with tags
When you spray all the tags, your gang will have knives, sub-machines and a desert eagle. Author: Jakub.42. Tip for Stunt plane
To fly the stunt plane, press + and it starts to stream red from the back of the plane. You can even draw in the sky and it is so responsive that you can do different spins, but it also burns fuel quickly. Sent: Matúš Kakas41. Tip for the Home Invasion mission
It is possible to get back into the house after successfully finishing the mission. There is nothing interesting, though, only what you would have seen in the mission. But you might not have had enough time to see it then... Sent: Martin Nr40. Tip for home invading
Hi, I found one good tip for breaking and entering. At first write in the cheat OFVIAC, then get in the Black Boxville car and you can steal everything for as long as you want :-) Sent: Sabo z Michaloviec39. Police star
When you have one police star and you have a weapon in your hands (other than a fist, a knife, a nightstick, a baseball bat, a shovel …) police will be shooting at you, but when you switch to a fist (or any other named in the above bracket), police will put away their guns and take out their nightsticks. Quite funny, isn’t it? :-)Tip was sent by Martin Nr
When you steal an ambulance with John, two Sentinels start to search for you. It’s enough just to get out onto some flat area where they can’t get and then pick off the drivers over the windshield. When they fall out, the doors must remain open, otherwise you can’t get into the car. Then park the car in your garage, get the ambulance, and finish the mission. Sent: Hawkie
38. Indestructible Sentinel
The mission - Intensive CareWhen you steal an ambulance with John, two Sentinels start to search for you. It’s enough just to get out onto some flat area where they can’t get and then pick off the drivers over the windshield. When they fall out, the doors must remain open, otherwise you can’t get into the car. Then park the car in your garage, get the ambulance, and finish the mission. Sent: Hawkie
37. Your own photo
Do you want to have a photo of your character? Find some gangsters and a camera (have in your hand) then go in front of the gangsters and press TAB, then stand anywhere and have your photo taken. Sent: Aleš Prchal36. Unusual training
Hey, we discovered that you can shoot at flying ducks in GTA San Andreas and, by doing so, you improve a level of a weapon control. Sent: Jaro and Tono from Sereď - SR EU Europe Earth Solar System35. Super jump
In Los Santos, or I guess in Mulholland that is, according to map of tags tag, number 13, there is a broken piece of a brick fence. You can jump around this area and when you have high speed, you’ll get bonus for this crazy action and you’ll be able to fly as never before. Sent: Martin Novák34. Trees near Sweet
When you climb into Sweet’s house (there is a Tec-9), then go as if you wanted to go to the basketball goal (you must go over a dwarf wall), turn CJ towards the tree and jump. CJ will grab the tree and can climb up it... Sent: Daniq33. Couple of tips
A) You don’t switch to a all wheel drive by space bar in a MONSTER truck, but to all wheel steering. (AWS - All Wheel Steering)B) A city bus (BUS) changes into a normal bus in appearance.
C) You can move to a top platform using by keys NUM2 and NUM8 in a PACKER truck
Sent: Vladimír Seifert
32. Handbrake by Hydra
I’ve found an interesting game bug: when you let the Hydra landing gear draw out, and you fly against the ground and press and hold ENTER (for getting out of a vehicle) just a bit before the ground, the hydra will slow down on minimum (as a bullet time) and it won’t crash into the ground at full speed. LOOK OUT!!!! –> the landing gear must be drawn out (out of the plane); otherwise CJ will jump from the plane. Sent: Robert RojoVideo - 700 Kb
Save - 63 Kb
Unfortunately farmers lock their combines. Therefore take your car and go into a field. Stop in front of a combine – it’ll stop too. Get out of the car and shoot the farmer in the head with a normal gun. If you are too low, climb onto the car roof. The farmer will fall out and the combine is yours.
LOOK OUT: The save is time limited for when farmers work (drive). I tried it at midnight, nothing was there and all the combines were locked. I tried to shoot with something else, but it didn’t work. Even if the farmer fell out, the combine didn’t open. When you drive too fast, the combine usually go over people, but it doesn’t kill them!!! 8-(. Sent: Michal Kundrát
30. Stealing with ease
When you get into a house you want to rob, you must be sick of having to go silently. My tip is to go into the house, kill everyone, go out and enter again. Now you don’t have to go silently, because the sound meter isn’t there!Tip was sent by: DEJV Wasiley29. Unlimited SMG
Hi, I don’t know if you know it, but when you go into an Ammu-Nations in San Fierro and buy one SMG and take part in a shooting race, as soon as you start, press enter – to finish the competition and you have the same SMG again. If you do it in more numbers, you can get, for instance, 2500 bullets at the price of one SMG.Tip was sent by: Jan Švec.
28. Cars in GGMM
My tip is to change a car for two people into a bus in GGMM. But in GGMM, you must rename files *.dff to *.txd on what you want to change (for instance: bus). Then you must find a car that you want to change into the bus, and go with several friends of yours (up to 7) and get in. All will push on the front seat and heads of some of them will be sticking out. End when you get out, some of your friends (about 2) might fly out. Sent: Martin Suchý.27. Days in GTA SA

Some of you don’t know, where the days in the week are, so here it is. Press TAB to show CJ statistics. In the corner could be seen abbreviation TUE that is a shorter version of the English TUESDAY. There could be also MON (MONDAY) and so on…
26. Enter an airport
Tip for an airport. If you don’t have any pilot licenses and they won’t let you in, steal a police car and switch on a siren and the doors will open. Sent by: Světluše Janouchová.24. Gang in a bus
When you have the maximum respect level, pick seven friends of yours and get in a bus and look how they get it. Cool, isn’t it? Tip was sent by: Martin Suchý.
23. Robbing Uncle Sam
When you still have problems with the Robbing Uncle Sam mission by Ryder (you are supposed to remove boxes from a car by push cart), you can do it this way too:When you arrive in front of the gate, get over the fence and kill three soldiers outdoors, but be careful, don’t shoot at the door open!! Then shoot the two in the store room, take the push cart and get the 5 boxes at the edge of the store room entry, the sixth one put on the push cart and prepare it. Then shoot into the open door and give him the boxes, get in the car and drive off at the designated place. Sent by: Lužný Jakub
22. Beat the Cock
It is possible to absolve the first part of a triathlon (swimming) with the jetpack and get quite a big edge in the “BEAT THE COCK” mission. I found it by coincidence when I was flying with jetpack around the scenery and I decided to take part in the race. I took off the jetpack and when the race started the jetpack was still there. So I took it and flew. It is likely to do the same with the motor bloat, but I didn’t try it. Sent by: 107
22a) Beat the Cock, it is possible to play the last part of the race with the jetpack (that one, when you have to run) And the second thing I want to tell you is that when you win, you’ll get only 20 000 dollars, so I think it doesn’t pay off, it’s better to go into a betting office.
Added by: Superman2
22a) Beat the Cock, it is possible to play the last part of the race with the jetpack (that one, when you have to run) And the second thing I want to tell you is that when you win, you’ll get only 20 000 dollars, so I think it doesn’t pay off, it’s better to go into a betting office.
Added by: Superman2
21. Enter the airport

Come to a gate and run along it. You must run so that you rub against it, until you hear the sound of a shaking fence, then get into your car and now you can easily go in.
Tip was sent by: Afrobracha.
20. Mike Torreno mission
You don’t have to drive off in a hurry after rescuing the guy in the Mike Torreno mission. I flew off in a chopper and landed in front of a cantina. But the problem is to find a car, and when you have it, you don’t have to make the two people to get in, you can just go to a Pay 'N' Spray and then pick them up.Tip was sent by: Afrobracha.
19. Garage
There is a house with a garage in Dillimore, that you can buy. When you get your car into the garage and you look from outside into the garage (the garage must be closed), your car won’t be there. But when you open the garage then, your car is still there. ´Tip was sent by: Andy Vantuch.
18. Chimney
Use your Jetpack to get to port docks. There should be a steaming chimney. Fly to the top of the chimney and stand on in. What will it do? Nothing. You’ll be standing on a chimney :-).Tip was sent by: Daniel Řeha.
17. Motorbike tip
When somebody falls from a motorbike and you want to sit on it, the following situations can happen:
1. You’ll sit on the first one, and he’ll knock you down and walk off
2. He’ll sit and you can knock him down and you can walk off
3. When you sit at the same time, you’ll be a driver and the owner is your passenger. You can drive him whenever you want and when you get out, he’ll do the same. Then he takes his motorbike back and drives off.
1. You’ll sit on the first one, and he’ll knock you down and walk off
2. He’ll sit and you can knock him down and you can walk off
3. When you sit at the same time, you’ll be a driver and the owner is your passenger. You can drive him whenever you want and when you get out, he’ll do the same. Then he takes his motorbike back and drives off.
Tip was sent by: Miroslav Chomut.
16. Common gang photo
I’ve found out a tip. When you have at least one person in your gang, walk to him and press TAB, a front view will be displayed. Now you must just choose the right angle and again press TAB and the photo is ready. (I’m not sure, if you have to have a camera).Tip was sent by: Miloš Havlíček.
15. Tips for weapons around CJ’s
I’ve a tip for finding Tec, Uzi and jackets around CJ’s home. Tec is on Sweet’s roof. To get it, you climb the wall behind your house, jump onto your roof and you can see it from there. The Uzi is under the bridge which leads to the hot ring and the jacket is directly under the next one.Tip was sent by: Honza Dudek.
14. --x-x--
This hint has been deleted. The text was the same as the number 23.
13. How to get NEWS CHOPPER
Go at the airport in Las Venturas, there is a hangar next to the main gate, where you can get assets from planes and choppers. Choose Whirly Bird Waypoint (right here you take this chopper) and after starting the quest, take your haul into your hangar at your airport in Verdant Meadows. Land and park the plane fast and run off. If the hangar door manages to close, before the time limit to come back into a vehicle is out, you have won.Tips were sent by: Ondřej Vodstrčil.
12. Garden multifunction mower:
There are several of them parked in the gardens of rich areas of Los Santos – to be exact in the Mulholland area. One is, for instance, to the east of your savepoint (northeast from Madd Dogg’s villas).Tip was sent by: Ondřej Vodstrčil.
11. Indestructible vehicles:
The only vehicles that are mostly impossible to destroy (only by explosion, turnover etc.) are bikes – for instance the normal bicycle, mountain bike or BMX.Tip was sent by Ondřej Vodstrčil.
10. How to safely get into a police station
Just change your weapon before entering the building into a fist or nightstick is enough.Tip was sent by: Ondřej Vodstrčil.
9. Cheat in illegal races
There are three places in all of San Andreas (not counting flying races – flying through checkpoints) where you can take part in illegal races. They are, of course, very difficult and you can lose many times, only because the surrounding cars crash into you. The worst situation is during a race on part of the highway – because there is one horrible bus in the game that causes the other cars drive three times faster than the maximum speed of these cars, such as Bullet, Banshee, ZR-350 etc. When you want to make races easier, take a mini gun and have it prepared during the start of the race.As soon as the starting countdown stops, get out of your car and shoot off all your rivals. If you have good foresight, it’s no problem for you. After eliminating ALL other cars, get into your car (you must manage it in time limit during which you can be out of your car) and after a while you’ll in first place. Then you must just be as fast and careful as possible to get to the finish. The only drawback is two police cars and police on their own. But you can easily get rid of them in the race and get away. And on the top of it, they lose interest in you after some time. So, no problem.
Tip was sent by: Ondřej Vodstrčil.
8. How to become millionaire
One hundred millions dollars on your account without cheating? This is probably the best way to earn a really big amount of money – but at first you have to do at least one mission for Catalina (see a walkthrough). Then save the position near her cottage (location Fern Ridge) and walk to a close village, Montgomery. Find the local horse racing office Inside Track (on the picture) and go in.
Go to one of two automats by the wall and choose a horse, which you want to bet on and bet, if it’s possible, the highest amount of money, you have (it will pay off!). Now just watch the race and when your horse win, you’ll get your bet money and plus the extra bonus (when I bet about four million, I got more over 46 000 000).
But you aren’t always a winner and if you don’t pick the winning horse (this is more likely a question of luck), you can often lose your money. In this case, just load an older savegame and get back to the office. Try again and, in case of win, go save your game back at the cottage.
During one hour of real time, you can easily earn over 100 000 000 dollars. Tip was sent by: Ondřej Vodstrčil.
7. Super acceleration (only for motorbikes).
You can speed up your machine to the double of its maximum speed and how? Just press on a key for the list to up the speed during your drive. This is only for motorbikes.Tips were sent by Ondřej Vodstrčil.
6. Location of some things:
In GTA: San Andreas you can find some useful weapons and things, however when looking for them you can have trouble.For example: you can find an AK'47, a sniper gun and a bi-plane with the members of black clothes gang in Chinatown in San Fierro.
A camera and spray are in CJ’s bedroom at his house.
A fire extinguisher is in every Burger fast-food and a parachute on the highest mountain of SA, Mount Chiliad…
5. Fast weapon reload:
When you are in a shootout and there isn’t any place to hide and load your weapon, don’t worry. You can solve it out by a simple trick – just switch to another weapon (anything, like a fist) and then change back quickly; you will have a full clip without loading for a long time. It is good during attacks of more rivals when you don’t have time to wait (for enemy bullets).4. Easter Eggs
Let’s continue in the tradition of GTA Easter Eggs by the second one, which can be found in the new game San Andreas. You can see it this way: Go to the bridge connecting San Fierro and Las Venturas. Get to its top and there you can see this sign:
"There are no Easter Eggs up here. Go away."
Go to the Cluckin’ Bell restaurant. Jump over the bar and turn back. You’ll find this sign on the back of a server. "Taste the Cock".
Go to the Cluckin’ Bell restaurant. Jump over the bar and turn back. You’ll find this sign on the back of a server. "Taste the Cock".
3. Rewards:
- vigilante level 12 – a vest will be increased at 150%- fire missions level 12 – CJ will become fireproof
- 50 taxi people – in all taxi will be NITRO
- the health will be increased at 150% so that you will eat well and do exercises
For 100 tags, AK-47, Tec-9, Sawnoff Shotgun and Molotov Cocktails will be in your mother’s house.
For 50 photos taken, Uzi, grenades, shotgun and rifle will be in front of the Doherty garage in San Fierro.
For 50 horseshoes, M4, MP5, SPAS-12 shotgun and Explosive substances will be in front of the Four Dragons casino.
For 50 shells, your Sex-appeal and lung capacity will increase.
For 50 photos taken, Uzi, grenades, shotgun and rifle will be in front of the Doherty garage in San Fierro.
For 50 horseshoes, M4, MP5, SPAS-12 shotgun and Explosive substances will be in front of the Four Dragons casino.
For 50 shells, your Sex-appeal and lung capacity will increase.
2. How to get bonus vehicles
Jet Pack | - carry out all missions on the plane cemetery BF Injection |
BF Injection | - win Dirty Ring in Las Venturas |
Bloodring Ranger |
- stand 1 minute in the Bloodring in San Fierro |
Dune |
- pick up at least 25 checkpoints in Dirty Ring in Las Venturas |
Hotring Racer | - the first place in all "8-Track" in Los Santos |
Super GT |
- all bronze medals in the driving school in San Fierro |
Bullet |
- all silver medals in the driving school in SF |
Hot Knife | - all gold medals in the moto-school in Las Venturas |
Freeway | - all bronze medals in the moto-school in Las Venturas |
NTR 900 |
- all silver medals in the moto-school in Las Venturas |
NRG 500 |
- all gold medals in the moto-school in Las Venturas |
Marquis | - all bronze medals in the naval school |
Squallo | - all silver medals in the naval school |
Jet Max | - all gold medals in the naval school |
Rustler | - all bronze medals in the flying school |
Acrobatic plane | - all silver medals in the flying school |
Hunter | - all gold medals in the flying school |
Hydra | - finish the mission "Vertical Bird" and it’s yours |
Rhino | - after game finishing at 100% or on a military basis. |
1. Working out
Spend lot time going jogging and working out with dumbbells. Your body will be improving and your muscles will get stronger. You will look good and have power; so you can easily become a leader of any of the gangs.